If a person to obtain a set of "not negotiable," the words crossed check, does not have also not given a more direct access to the right before the hand-check better rights. 如某人取得一张载有“不得流通”字样的划线支票,并不享有也不能给予较其直接前手获得的对支票的更好的权利。
If one has not crossed a check or a check sent to banks in general crossed for collection, the bank can use this check to the Bank in particular crossed. 如一张未划线的支票或一张一般划线支票寄给银行以作托收,银行可将此支票特别划线给本行。
Most researchers in the field suspect synaesthesia is caused by crossed wires in synaesthetes'brains, but until recently they have had no way to check this hypothesis. 大多数该领域的研究人员怀疑联觉者大脑里的交叉神经是是造成这种现象的原因,但目前为止研究人员尚未找到合适的途径来验证这一假设。
If a check has been crossed in particular, were crossed to the bank as a special collection can be crossed and then check to another bank in particular. 如支票已被特别划线,被特别划线的该银行作为托收,可再将支票特别划线给另一银行。
Crossed Check A check that has two lines across it to denote that it must be paid into a bank account. 划线支票支票上加了两条平行线,表示必须存入某个银行账户。